Wedded Bliss

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

In our house May 29th is a holiday. We celebrate it more than we do most others, because without it we wouldn't have our little family.
A extra special day because it's Brian and I's 4 year wedding anniversary.
In a world where the success rate on marriages is 10%, we choose to celebrate every year as a victory,  like the holiday it should be.  

Today I thought of a few funny things I've learned in our four years of marriage and thought I'd share some of my favorites. 
Starting with.....
1. Sometimes to get what you want you must place heavily weighted bets. So if you see Brian wearing his first ever pair of plaid shorts-please note, he bet poorly. 
(So many choices I could choose from!)

2. Forcing your hubby to watch too many So You Think You Can Dance episodes with you may trigger spontaneous, competitive car dance offs.  (Videos to come!)

3. Loosing said dance offs may trigger heated high weighted bets over previously mentioned plaid shorts....

4. We each have different roles and wear many different hats in our family. No really we do.  

5. Flowers never get old
6. Based on the number of matching superhero shirts Brian has purchased for him and Liam, my husband must still harbor a childhood desire to grow up to be a superhero. 

7. He is always my superhero. (I was always more for superheroes than a knight-in-shining-armor kinda girl.) 

8. 4 years married may feel like 40, but I have a feeling when we get to our 40 year mark, it will feel like only 4. 

Love anniversaries, love him. 

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