You Know You’re A Mom When….

Saturday, March 24, 2012

You Know You’re A Mom When….
-         There are more gram crackers in your floor board than there is floor space
-         Your hair is always in pony tails
-         Milk stains are on every surface and all your clothes
-         You keep a list of places that do not have changing tables in their bathrooms
-         Your bookshelves are empty from 3 feet down
-         You forget your purse but remembered the diaper bag (only wipes won’t pay for your Starbucks)
-         You rewrite nursery rhymes in your spare time
-         You know all the theme songs to you kids TV shows
-         You have held out your hands to catch someone else’s sneeze or spit up/vomit
-         You cleaned a pacifier with your mouth
-         You used spit and your thumb as a wet wipe
-         You use a wet wipe to wipe down the table at a restaurant before sitting down to eat
-         You cut your food into little bites because you know you will have to share
-         You yell “Don’t eat that!” more times a day than you can count

Please feel free to add to my list I’m sure there are many I have forgotten!

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