Well join the club--because I totally did--but now it's withering before we get to Halloween night (when everyone sets out their pumpkins and lights them up) so what now? Carve a new one? Have none?
Nope! You're going to save that pumpkin!! How?
Why soak it in a sink full of water of course! I know what your thinking because I was too when my sister-in-law suggested this...
"Won't it get soggy and fall apart?"
Nope here's proof in my photos.
Just run a sink full of water (room temperature) and soak it for a few hours (or if your like me overnight) and ta-da!! The pumpkin "re-hydrates" itself, and is ready to go!
(Sorry, no photo of the withered pumpkin, but the after photo is 6 days after the before shot!)